Silvia Erratico


Silvia Erratico


Silvia obtained her M.Sc. degree in Biotechnology of the Drugs in 2008, followed by a PhD in Molecular Medicine in 2012, both at University of Milan. During her doctoral studies she focused her attention on muscular dystrophies and the factors involved in adipogenic differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells.

After an experience at Filarete Foundation, as a researcher in Stem Cell Platform, and a postdoctoral fellowship at Policlinico Hospital, she worked in two different start-up, where she was involved in research projects for commercial purpose and patent application of medical devices. Her main expertise is on cellular biology applied to stem cells and primary cells derived from human tissue, beyond immunofluorescence techniques and confocal microscopy.

In January 2024 she joined the Precision Medicine laboratory led by prof. Salvatore Piscuoglio, where she works as a research technician on generation and culture of organoids derived from tissue specimen of cancer patients.