Gianluigi Condorelli


Gianluigi Condorelli

Group Leader

Prof. Gianluigi Condorelli is the head of the Department of Cardiovascular Medicine of Humanitas Research Hospital, where he is also head of the Cardiovascular Research Area and group leader of the Inflammation and Immunology in Cardiovascular Pathologies Lab. He is full professor of cardiology and director of the post-graduate school of cardiology at Humanitas University.

Condorelli graduated cum laude in Medicine at the University Federico II in Naples, Italy and received a PhD in Cardiovascular Sciences from the University Tor Vergata, in Rome. He is a practicing cardiologist who trained in molecular cardiology at Harvard University, Boston, and in molecular oncology at Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia. He has been faculty at Thomas Jefferson University and at the University of California San Diego, La Jolla and director of the Department of Medicine, National Research Council of Italy.

Condorelli’s research has been funded, among others, by grants from international agencies such the NHLBI-NIH USA, the European Union, the European Research Council (Advanced grant) and the Fondation LeDucq, as well as from national agencies, including MUR, Ministero Salute, Regione Lombardia, Fondazione CARIPLO, AIRC and and Fondazione Umberto Veronesi.