
Predictors of CD34+ cell mobilization and collection in adult men with germ cell tumors: implications for the salvage treatment strategy.

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Plerixafor ‘on demand’: results of a strategy based on peripheral blood CD34+ cells in lymphoma patients at first or subsequent mobilization with chemotherapy+G-CSF.

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Constitutive localization of DR4 in lipid rafts is mandatory for TRAIL-induced apoptosis in B-cell hematologic malignancies.

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Long-Term Results of Autologous Hematopoietic Stem-Cell Transplantation After High-Dose 90Y-Ibritumomab Tiuxetan for Patients With Poor-Risk Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma Not Eligible for High-Dose BEAM.

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Peripheral blood CD34+ cell monitoring after cyclophosphamide and granulocyte-colony-stimulating factor: an algorithm for the pre-emptive use of plerixafor.

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Sorafenib inhibits lymphoma xenografts by targeting MAPK/ERK and AKT pathways in tumor and vascular cells.

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Induction of death receptor 5 expression in tumor vasculature by perifosine restores the vascular disruption activity of TRAIL-expressing CD34(+) cells.

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(3)D [corrected] quantification of tumor vasculature in lymphoma xenografts in NOD/SCID mice allows to detect differences among vascular-targeted therapies.

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Perifosine and sorafenib combination induces mitochondrial cell death and antitumor effects in NOD/SCID mice with Hodgkin lymphoma cell line xenografts.

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Detection of minimal residual disease in hematopoietic progenitor cell harvests: lack of predictive value of peripheral blood and bone marrow analysis in mantle cell and indolent lymphoma.

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