Selmi's Lab is dedicated to organ-specific and systemic autoimmune and chronic inflammatory diseases, including the clinical epidemiology and pathogenetic mechanisms of autoimmune liver disease, connective tissue disease (particularly systemic sclerosis), and psoriatic arthritis.
Main Research Interests
Biomarkers for autoimmune and chronic inflammatory diseases, particularly novel serum autoantibodies and epigenetic changes. This interest is mirrored by the collection over the years of series of monozygotic twins both discordant and concordant for paradigmatic conditions (i.e. psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis, systemic sclerosis, autoimmune liver disease, inflammatory bowel disease) and by the use of immunoprecipitation and epigenome approaches.
Post-translational modifications of established and proposed autoantigens in rheumatoid arthritis and in psoriatic disease.
Clinical epidemiology of autoimmunity and chronic inflammatory disease with large population-based case-finding studies for serum autoantibodies and the analysys of real-life administrative databases.
Selected publications
Zabotti AFront Med (Lausanne)
An Italian Disease-Based Registry of Axial and Peripheral Spondyloarthritis: The SIRENA Study.
Clinical follow-up predictors of disease pattern change in anti-Jo1 positive anti-synthetase syndrome: Results from a multicenter, international and retrospective study.
Effects of type II collagen epitope carbamylation and citrullination in human leucocyte antigen (HLA)-DR4(+) monozygotic twins discordant for rheumatoid arthritis.