Andrea Lania


Andrea Lania

Clinical Group Leader

Professor Lania is the Director of the Endocrinology, Diabetology and Andrology Unit at Humanitas Research Hospital, where he also leads the Laboratory of Cellular and Molecular Endocrinology, and he is Full Professor of Endocrinology at the Biomedical Sciences Department at Humanitas University.

Andrea Lania was born in Milan in 1965. After the degree in Medicine and the postgraduate degree in Endocrinology, Prof. Lania received the PhD degree in Endocrinological and Metabolic Sciences at the University of Milan. From 2005 to 2015 he was Assistant Professor of Endocrinology at the BIOMETRA Department at the University of Milan. Since 2015 he is Associate professor of Endocrinology at the Biomedical Sciences Department at Humanitas University in Rozzano (Milan) and since 2022 Full professor of Endocrinology.  Since 2016 he is the Coordinator of the Residency Program in Endocrinology at Humanitas University.

The research activity of Prof. Lania is mainly focused on the pathogenesis of pituitary and neuroendocrine tumors and on the mechanisms involved in determining the sensitivity of these tumors to medical treatment. In particular, he contributed to clarify the impact of the cAMP pathway in the tumorigenesis processes at the pituitary level and to study the intracellular mechanisms elicited by somatostatin receptors in determining their antiproliferative and antisecretory effects. Recently, he has been involved in studies evaluating the possible role of cytoskeleton proteins in determining the resistance to medical treatment in pituitary tumors by affecting dopamine receptor membrane targeting and intracellular signalling