Silvia Giugliano


Silvia Giugliano

Assistant professor, Humanitas University

Researcher and Nutritionist, enrolled in the Register of Biologists, section A. She graduated in Biological Sciences at the University of Roma Tre, and then embarked on the research sector by carrying out a PhD in Immunology at the University of Duisburg- Essen, Germany. Following this experience, she decided to deal with an even more complex and stimulating reality by starting a University career in Denver Colorado, USA. Finally, to convey the wealth of knowledge and experience gathered over the years in her native country, in 2016 she relocated to Milan and now works at the Mucosal Immunology and Microbiota Lab at Humanitas Research Hospital and University.

During this last period, in addition to successfully carrying out research in the immunological, microbiological and metabolic fields, she attended the II Degree Master in Nutrition and Applied Dietetics at the Bicocca University of Milan.

At the moment she is PI of a project funded by the PNRR, focused on the identification of multiomic biomarkers for the early prediction of preeclampsia. Furthermore, she is the coordinator of many clinical studies aimed at the characterization of couple infertility and irritable bowel syndrome.