Federica Rubbino


Federica Rubbino

Postdoc fellow

Federica Rubbino, PhD, is a young promising scientist who is building her scientific CV studying biomarkers for the innovative clinical management of gastrointestinal cancers (specifically colorectal and pancreatic cancers).

She obtained a Master’s degree in Molecular Biology and Genetics in 2016 (with honours) at University of Pavia, and was awarded as Best Student during “Festa del Laureato” at University of Pavia. She completed her Ph.D programme in Molecular and Experimental Medicine in April 2020 (with maternity leave in 2019) at Humanitas University. Additionally, in 2022 she got 2nd level University Master in “Biostatistics and Epidemiology” at University of Pavia. From September 2020, she is working in the lab of Molecular Gastroenterology headed by Prof. Luigi Laghi, at IRCCS Humanitas Research Hospital, working on pancreatic tumor.

Her publication track record is good, with many co-authorships in respected journals, as well as papers as first author. On a positive note, she has been exposed to cutting-edge international research as graduand student in the lab of Proteomics and Metabolomics headed by Peter van Veelen (LUMC, Leiden, NL), as a visiting PhD student in the laboratories led by Martin Giera (LUMC, Leiden, NL) working on SCFAs and lipid metabolites, and Hugo de Jonge (Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, NL) learning isolation and culture of human intestinal organoids. Even though her young age, she is motivated and ambitious young scientist, with a seemingly solid predisposition towards scientific reasoning, to the point that she’s independently and creatively working on her own project, contributing to set up experimental plans. Notwithstanding, she just won a two years AIRC fellowship.