Chiara Camisaschi


Chiara Camisaschi


Chiara Camisaschi graduated in Biological Science in 2004 at the University of Milan, where she studied oxidative stress regulation in M. Tubercolosys. After graduation, she joined the Unit of Immunotherapy of Human Tumors headed by Prof Giorgio Parmiani at Istituto Nazionale Tumori (INT) of Milan. Here she obtained her PhD in Genetics and Biomolecular Science with studies focused on phenotypic and functional modulation of regulatory T cells in melanoma patients.

She spent the following six years in the same lab as postdoctoral fellow consolidating her experience in translational research.In 2018 she joined the Division of Clinical Hematoncology, headed by Dr Francesco Bertolini, at the European Institute of Oncology (IEO). As Senior Biologist, specialist in flow cytometry, she focused on the diagnosis of lymphomas and leukaemias. In 2022 Camisaschi joined IRCCS Humanitas Research Hospital as a specialist and technologist for the Humanitas Flow Cytometry Core facility headed by Enrico Lugli.