Humanitas Research

Humanitas’ research is guided by unmet clinical needs and leverages high-end technologies to dissect the molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying human health and diseases


Cancer and dendritic cells: Eduardo Bonavita awarded funding from Worldwide Cancer Research

Sex differences in Alzheimer’s: investigating the interaction between the vascular and immune systems

Luigi Maria Terracciano appointed new Scientific Director of Humanitas

Humanitas research at a glance

More than 400 research scientists work at Humanitas to understand the mechanisms involved in biological processes relevant to human health and diseases

About us

Humanitas Research Hospital is a highly-specialized research and university hospital, the first in Italy to be certified for its excellence by the Joint Commission International as Academic Hospital

Our science

We are committed to integrate basic, translational and clinical research, fostering strong collaborations between clinicians, physician scientists and lab researchers

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Humanitas University

A life science university standing out for its real-world simulation-based approach to medical training and its international outlook

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Humanitas Foundation for Research helps our scientsts to advance knowledge on human health diseases


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